সচরাচর জিজ্ঞাসা

১. আমি কম্পিউটারে লগইন করতে পারছি না

উত্তরঃ আপনার আইডি এবং পাসওয়ার্ড সঠিক কিনা নিশ্চিত করুন।

1. I can't login my PC

Ans: Ensure your ID and password is correct.

২. কম্পিউটারে ইন্টারনেট সংযোগ পাচ্ছে না

উত্তরঃ নেটওয়ার্ক তারটি সংযুক্ত কিনা চেক করুন। বিজ্ঞপ্তি বারে নেটওয়ার্ক আইকন (পর্দার ডান দিকের নিচের কোণায়) সংযোগের অবস্থা দেখায়।

2. PC has no internet connectivity.

Ans: Check the network cable is connected or not. Network icon at notification bar (Right-bottom corner of screen) shows the status of the connectivity.

3. I can't login in m.palobd.com or web.palobd.com

Ans: Ensure your ID and password is correct. '00' will be added with your official ID and password is same as ID by default.

4. I forget my domain user password

Ans: Go to "it.palobd.com/" then click on "Forget Password?" then type “Employee ID” and “Email Address”. After that you will get an OTP code in your mobile and email. Type OTP code and Enter your "New Password" and "Retype New Password". Then click on “Change Password”.

5. I forget my official mail password. How can I reset?

Ans: Follow the answer of Question no. 4 (four). If you not possible, ask help from IT.

6. I can't write Bengali.

Ans: Make sure 4c Lipika/Lekhani is running on your PC. If 4c Lipika/Lekhani is running but not working then close and re-open 4c Lipika/Lekhani. Otherwise contact with the IT Department.

7. How can I convert ASCII to Unicode or Unicode to ASCII?

Ans: Run "BangaliUnicode" from your desktop. For ASCII to Unicode conversion paste your text in the ASCII field then click the “convert” button. In case of Unicode to ASCII conversion paste your text in the Unicode field and then click “Uni to ASCII” button. Then copy the converted text to MS Word.

8. How can I get the Wi-Fi Access?

Ans: Download a “Wi-Fi Form" from it.palobd.com. Fill up the "Wi-Fi Form" and take signature of responsible person from your department. After that submit to the IT Department.

9. How can I get a Support Laptop?

Ans: Download a “Laptop Form" from it.palobd.com. Fill up the "Wi-Fi Form" and take signature of responsible person from your department and admin department. After that submit the “Laptop Form" in the IT Department to collect a laptop. Laptop can be given depending on availability.

9. How can I switch one user to another?

Ans: For Windows 7:

Step 1: Click on ‘Switch User’ then Click on ‘Other User’.

Step 2: Type your Employee ID number at ‘User Name’ field.

Step 3: Type your Password at ‘Password’ field.

Step 4: Press ‘Enter’ to login with your ID.

You will get your Desktop with necessary shortcuts.

For Windows 10:

Step 1: Click on ‘Other User’ from left down corner of the screen.

Step 2: Type your Employee ID number at ‘User Name’ field.

Step 3: Type your Password at ‘Password’ field.

Step 4: Press ‘Enter’ to login with your ID.

You will get your Desktop with necessary shortcuts.